Friday, August 13, 2010

Link to Huntsville Times Article

The times sent me a link to the article:

Huntsville Times Article

The Huntsville Times published a trip report about our team in today's (8/13) paper.  It is on page C-3.  It is not online yet.  When they post it we'll provide a link to it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

More Pictures...

Whew!  We've been back almost a week now, so I apologize for the lack of updates.  I have a bunch of pictures to share, but I'll be spreading them out over the next few days, so keep checking back!

Polly Feeding Baby Zoe

Zoe was getting a lot more at each feeding with the bottles that Jason and
Dr. Vinit Mahesh were able to get before we left!  She'll be big enough for her
surgery in no time!

Tim, Holly, Tristan, Sean, Caleb, and Katie Anderson
Holly is the Powlisons' eldest daughter, and she, Tim, and their kids are in Peru until December to evaluate whether or not God is calling them to the mission field.  Their wonderfully supportive church in South Carolina is sponsoring them 100% during that time so that they can make a wise decision!  Please pray for them!

This little boy crawled up in Kristy's lap and fell asleep almost
We didn't think we'd be doing medical missions in Peru, but God had other plans for us.  On the day before we arrived, the Powlisons' second daughter, Ellie, fell and hit her head while playing outside.  By the time we arrived, she hadn't been able to keep food down and was still rather listless.  Keith and Ruth decided to take her for a CAT scan that evening, but there was no neurologist to look at the scans.  Our very own Jonathan Barnette took some high-resolution photographs of the scans, and we sent them back (via Facebook!)  Dr. Vinit Mahesh, a pediatric pulmonologist and Ruling Elder at Southwood.  At 10pm that night, he printed them out and took them to a neurologist buddy of his, who didn't see anything of concern.  That really set Keith and Ruth at ease!  Happily, Ellie was more energetic and able to keep her breakfast down the next morning.

CAT Scan Lab in Cusco

Back at the hotel, Jonathan had to hang the scans up in the doorway to get a good picture

The Mind of a Six-Year-Old

Sunday, July 18, 2010


We made it back on time.  Travel was as smooth as can be expected for this kind of trip.

In the last few days of the trip we got back too late to update the blog.  After we have had some time to rest and relax we will try to fill in the gaps of the last few days.

There are a lot of things to be thankful for this trip.

Working under the supervision of Tim, Keith and Ruth's son-in-law, we completed the guest room and bathroom projects other teams started with just some minor touch ups remaining.  This served the Powlisons immensely and a visiting missionary will soon benefit from a more comfortable room.  Zoe now has a place to call her own for a while until she is able to be transferred to the Josephine House.

Zoe learned to drink from a bottle -- no more eating from eye droppers.  The last night she drank 4 oz!  When her weight improves doctors can begin to attend to her cleft palate.  It was a great blessing to be able to help Ruth care for Zoe.  Caring for Zoe represents the core of the values of the Powlison ministry.

With the expert skills and hard work of Jonathan, video footage of both the Powlison's and the Scripture Union ministries our church supports were documented.  This will help our congregation see where we are engaged in Peru.

We learned how to employ teams at the Josephine House.  We are now smarter on how to interact and plan beneficial activities for the kids.  This will help future teams immensely.

Our church's partnership with the Santo Tomas church continued with the second Southwood team to visit the area.

Our team engaged the local population in San Jeronimo through worship on a Sunday and gardening with Francisco later in the week. 

A rookie team leader managed to get everyone back to their families and friends.

Thanks to all who watched this blog.  It was a great encouragement to know you were supporting us as we worked.  It is a miraculous age that we can almost in real time document our trip.

Thanks be to God who made it all possible and guided our steps.

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."  Proverbs 19:21

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Heading back home

After a great week we are back in Lima for a few hours.  We have a red eye tonight.  We get in tomorrow around noon.

Thanks for all the support, love, and prayers during our time.  It has been an amazing week.

Sorry for the lack of posts the last couple days.  We have been wiped o8t.  It has been a great joy leading this group. Gotta jet!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's all coming together . . .

I think we're making progress on the projects we started this week!  The Powlison girls' bathroom is nearly complete, and the guest room/Zoe's room is coming along nicely as well!  One of the neat blessings that God is allowing us to be a part of is fixing up the Powlison's guest room.  A couple of weeks ago, it was just wall studs and a light bulb hanging from the ceiling.  Ruth Powlison has a friend who is 70 years old, but she comes every year to spend time with the children at Josephine House.  She always stays in the Powlison's guest room, and Ruth says that she won't believe her eyes the next time she sees it!  It now has beautiful orange walls and an actual lighting fixture!  So, there's someone that we'll likely never meet whom God will bless through the work we're doing this week!

Rick and Alan took care of Zoe during the night.  She's really eating well now, so hopefully she'll start packing on the pounds as well!  There is a surgeon in Cusco who will repair her cleft palate for free, but she has to be a couple of months older and a few pounds heavier before she's eligible.

The pump for the Powlisons' well lost its prime this morning.  Keith was in Santo Tomas with Polly, Ken, and Jonathan, and apparently it takes a rocket scientist to re-prime the pump.  Luckily, we have three on this trip.

After the well was repaired, the ladies wanted to check it out.
After jokingly being told that the alligator's name is Stevie, this is
as far as they were willing to go.

Some of our team members made homemade playdough
for the kids at Josephine House.

Little Zoe got a bath this afternoon.
She's so tiny that her bathtub is a Tuperware bowl!

There was lots and lots of painting today, and there's
more still to come tomorrow!

Jason is the Caulk Master!

We were all pretty beat after a long day's work,
but we all feel so blessed to be a part of what God is doing here!

Tomorrow, Polly, Ken, and Jonathan return from Santo Tomas, so we'll try to post an update on that trip.  There's still lots of painting, sanding, installing trim, etc. to be done tomorrow, and of course, there's still kids to be played with and a Zoe to be fed, changed, and loved on!  Tomorrow is our last workday, so look for pictures of the (hopefully) finished product tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gender Sensitivity Training Exercises

Rick is at the Powlison's tonight so Jason will take a stab at a post.  Rick has been doing a tremendous job blogging and everyone following should thank him.  

Now to today's events.  In an act of team diversification we are all spread out and some of us are greatly out numbered by the opposite gender.

Polly is hangin' with three dudes in Santo Tomas (Keith Powlison, Ken Stuart, Jonathan Barnette).

Jason is bloggin' at the breakfast table at the Fuente de Agua Hotel in San Jeronimo with 5 chicas (Wendy, Terry, Judy, Lauren, and Kristy).

Rick and Alan are working the night shift at the Powlisons watching Zoe tonight.  Kudos to those two for showing what being real men is all about.  They are truly great with the kids and Zoe!

The day started out with a sort-of renewal of Wendy's and my vows.  There is a 300 year old painting in the hotel where we are staying depicting the wedding of Joseph and Mary.  It is a custom for a married couple staying here to have their picture taken in front of it.  It is not enough for the picture to include just the two of us.  The owner of the hotel brought over some of the guys from our group, she brought over her friends who were ecstatic we did this.

So here we are.  Jason and Wendy reenacting their wedding with Ken Stuart officiating...

We then moved on to work.  Jason and Rick did more painting in Zoe's room.  Alan primed a bookcase.  Wendy and Judy were at Josephine House in the morning.  Lauren and Wendy did Josephine House in the afternoon.   Kristy took a well deserved rest today after a long shift at the Powlison's last night watching Zoe with Lauren.

Jonathan, Polly, and Ken split from the rest of us for a while for a trip to Santo Tomas.  They will return on Thursday.  Before going, Jonathan performed some magic tricks for the Powlison's grand-kids.

Here are Wendy and Lauren making home-made Play-dough with some of the older kids at Josephine House.

Late in the afternoon Judy, Teri, and Lauren painted trim for bathroom in the Powlison's daughter's room.  

Tomorrow we keep on doing the projects we have underway.  It is our goal to finish the bedroom for Zoe and the girl's bathroom.  Depending on some things, some of the team may do some gardening Thursday.

Thanks for all the comments people have been leaving.  It has been an encouragement to see so many people following what is happening!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Good Works Prepared in Advance . . .

Today was our first work day here in Peru. It was good to have the downtime to get acclimated to the high altitude, but we were all glad to finally get to work! Here's what everybody was doing today:

Ken and Jonathan spent the day shooting video with Keith Powlison. Keith took them farther up the mountain (13,000 feet!) to get video of some of the Quechua villages.

Wendy and Judy spent last night on Zoe duty so that the Powlisons could get some much needed rest. They got the morning off to catch up on sleep, and then they joined the rest of us for lunch at Casa Josefina. They spent the rest of the day playing with the kids.

Kristy and Lauren began the day at Casa Josefina, playing with and helping with the kids. They're pulling Zoe duty tonight, so they got the afternoon off to rest up in preparation.

Rick and Jason sanded and painted the ceiling and walls of what will be Zoe's room when it's finished. Working with Tim, the Powlisons' son-in-law has been great! That guy really knows construction and remodelling!

Polly and Teri painted trim and hung wallpaper in Ellie and Emma's (the Powlisons' youngest daughters) bathroom.

Alan put in a yeoman's effort at Casa Josefina today. He was with the kids all day, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm! He has been really great with the kids, and they have really taken a liking to him!

View of the Powlisons' house from the back yard

Lauren playing a counting game with one of the little girls

Alan said he was learning as much from this
Spanish-English book as the kids were!

Teri and Polly painting Ellie and Emma's bathroom

 Wendy wanted to know if Jason was learning how to turn a popcorn ceiling into a smooth ceiling.  Sadly, we were a week late for that lesson.

Judy is very brave.  This cow tried to kill Dr. Tim Howard when he came with Jason, Polly, and Ken Leggett on the vision trip several months ago.  You should ask him about it next time you see him!

Tomorrow, Ken, Polly, and Jonathan will head up the mountain with Keith Powlison to visit Santo Tomas.  They'll be gone for about a day and a half.  Please pray for their journey (8 hours each way!).  There is a medical clinic and a mission church there that the Powlisons are involved with.  The rest of us will be continuing the jobs we started today.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Domingo en Peru

Sorry for the double-post. There hasn't been much time for blogging today, so I'm playing catch-up!

The church where we worshiped this morning.  We were able to follow along somewhat with the Spanish service!

Ian, one of the missionaries in Cusco.  He is from England, and he and his wife are currently learning Quechua to go and minister to that people group elsewhere in Peru.

"I love you, Jesus" posted above the pulpit

After worship, we ate at an Andean restaurant nearby.  Ken, Alan, Rick, Polly, and Kristy all had to try the alpaca.  That's right.  We ate llama for lunch!

Polly posing with some of the wares found in the central Cusco market.

These girls were walking around posing for pictures with their baby lambs.
Of course, the ladies couldn't resist.

The farmers' market near the church.  There was an amazing amount of beautiful produce!

Judy and Wendy are on "Zoe duty" tonight.  They're staying at the Powlisons' house to cover the night feedings so that Keith and Ruth can get some rest.  For the rest of us, tomorrow will be our first official work day.  Some of us will be doing some painting, wallpapering, and trim work at the Powlisons' house, while others will be helping with the children at Casa Josefina.  Jason led us in a short time of teaching and prayer tonight, and he reminded us that God prepared in advance these good works for us.  Please be in prayer for us over the next week!  Pray that we will be faithful to the work that God has called us to here. 

Baby Zoe & Casa Josefina

Here are some more pictures from yesterday.

Baby Zoe asleep under her rabbit-skin

This was the moment where Jason learned that Beltran is in the US having medical work done (good!), and may be adopted!  Southwood folks may remember a sermon of Ken Leggett's in which he referenced Beltran:  "Ole!  Ole, ole, ole!  Beltran will win!!"

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 1/2 Pictures

It was a bit Frosty in Houston

That'll be Mr. Lenentine's name from now on.

Gerardo, one of the first street boys at Kawai,
met us at the airport just to say hello!

Keith Powlison's truck with all our luggage

 Arrival at the hotel for some much needed rest!

Today, we jumped on the bus for the short ride from the hotel in Lima, followed by a short flight from Lima to Cusco, followed by a short van/truck ride to the hotel (above).  After a siesta, we headed to the Powlisons' house where we finally got to meet little Zoe!  We also got to meet Keith & Ruth Powlison, their daughters Ellie and Emma, their daughter Holly, her husband Tim, their sons Tristan, Sean, and Caleb and daughter Katie, and the cat, "Kitty."  Add the 11 of us, and you have the definition of a full house!  The Powlisons are amazing hosts!

We also got to spend some time with the kids at Casa Josefina.  What a cute bunch of kids!  We're really excited to spend more time with them this week!

Come back tomorrow for pictures from Casa Josefina!  (That's called a teaser.)


Just another quick post to let everyone know we've made it to Cusco and checked into our hotel!  We're headed over to Casa Josefina in a few hours.  We'll post a more substantial update this evening.


Just a quick post to let everyone know that we made it to Lima!  After several hours of sleep in a hotel near the airport, we're up and eating breakfast.  We'll be off to the airport here in a few minutes.  Next post will be from Cusco!!

Breakfast in Lima

We made it to Lima last after a couple of uneventful flights.  Thanks to Rick for helping with the blog.

Yes, security did have some interest in me.  All I have to say about that is what happens in the custodial closest, stays in the custodial closet.
We have rented a USB modem which is working with Lauren´s laptop.  We should have plenty of access while here.  Still need to get it connected to mine.

In a couple hours we fly to Cusco.  We will see you from there!

Friday, July 9, 2010

On Our Way!

We've made it to the airport, and everyone is checked in with no issues.  Well, almost no issues.  Jason got to take a trip into the "special room" with TSA personnel.  Turns out they just wanted to get a look at what was underneath his belt (it was just his money belt).  After that, we all got to the gate just fine.  Now, we're just getting a bite to eat before our flight boards.

Next stop, Houston!

Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

We are leaving today and I wanted to show you what it is all about:

These are 3 types of special bottles that will hopefully lead to Zoe no longer eating from an eye dropper.  Once that happens she'll add to her 5 pounds of weight. 

Why do we do this?  

Isaiah 1:17 says, "Stop doing wrong.  Learn to do right!  Seek justice, encourage the oppressed.  Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow."

That's what it is all about...

For now, we're out.  See you in Peru.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Team Members

With a day to go before we leave I wanted to share with you the names of the 11 team members going on the trip.

Jonathan Barnette
Lauren Davenport
Alan Droege
Kristy Hill
Jason Lenentine
Wendy Lenentine
Rick McCann
Teri McQuinn
Judy Purinton
Polly Ricks
Ken Stuart

We had a packing/weighing meeting last night.  Everyone's luggage came in underweight with some room to spare.  Mine weighed the least.   Apparently there is a perception I packed no clothes.  I was just trying to set a good example. I will confess I didn't pack any extra shoes.

Thanks to everyone who has supported/helped/prayed for the names above.  When asked you responded in the spirit of 3 John 6 where John talks about sending out a group "in a manner worthy of God."  You have lived that out with us and we are thankful for it.

Tomorrow we leave Huntsville and will make it to Lima tomorrow night.  After spending the night there we arrive in Cusco late morning Saturday.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More Pictures from Cusco

After going over the geography, our hosts, Josephine House, and Santo Tomas let's go back to Cusco to look at some of the facilities that are part of the Hinterland ministry.  A lot has developed in the 12 years the Powlisons have been in the area.

Here's the Powlison's house.  It is definitely rustic, but is perfect for where they are at.  The views they have are incredible! 

This is a well on the Powlison's property.  It is covered to keep varmint droppings out.  The spiral staircase is to provide easy access to prevent a "Baby Jessica" situation.  A similar well is going to be built at Josephine House to ensure the orphanage has an uninterrupted water supply.  The kids at church collected nearly $2000 at VBS this year to support building the well. 

The large full court basketball court and soccer field were built in the late 90's.  They are open to the community.  Keith has noticed a decline in alcoholism among the local men due to the role of the court, field, and the church.  During the day the kids from Josephine House run and play on the court.

This is a great big ginormous playground for the kids.  At the time of our first trip last fall, it was incomplete.  We have learned a team earlier this year finished the job.  We just might have to try it out ourselves...

Gardens, crops, and cows in the vicinity are part of an over all strategy to make Josephine House more self-sustaining.  The Powlisons have a really good view that someday they won't be around, but want to see their work last.

The biggest cash crop for the Powlisons are Cui. They can fetch about $3 each at the market...

High up above the main property is 15 acres of land.  The truck ride up there was a blast.  The altitude probably did me in last time.  All that aside, the Powlisons intend to use this land for dairy cow raising.  If successful this leads to greater sustainability.

This is the sign to a building is called "The Ark."  It was a building that used to house short term teams.  It is formerly home of the Bible Institute.  It currently is being used as an orphanage to house 45 older children. It is run by friends of the Powlisons.  They are currently building a permanent site in the jungle.  After they move to the permanent facility it will revert back to use by the Powlisons.

This is Dr. Bill Allen of La Fuente clinic.  It is a medical missions work not far from the Powlison's property.  

The following text is from the MTW website describing the work of Dr. Allen and the clinic.

Based in Cusco, Peru the Health Ministry seeks to care for whole person spiritually, mentally, and physically.  The heart of the Hinterland Health Ministry is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Knowing that we have been saved through grace alone, we are propelled to tell others about the love that has transformed us.

The clinic, La Fuente, is located on the edge of the city and serves the poor who do not have access to quality medical care.  It is open Monday through Friday and currently sees approximately 270 patients per month.  Many of the patients have chronic illnesses that have gone undetected and untreated.  The health ministry comes alongside these patients to give them support and medical treatment.  In most cases it is not just the patients that are treated but the whole family as well.

This is the local church.  There are several churches affiliated with this one around Cusco, but this is the one closest to the Powlisons.  It is directly adjacent to the medical clinic.

With that you have seen all the major places and facilities the Vision Team toured in Cusco that pertain to the Powlison's ministry. 

You have not yet gotten a large dose of the children of Josephine House.  With only a couple days left before we leave, I may not get a chance to do that before we go.  

I will say there has been a new addition to the Josephine House.  Her name is Zoe and she has already put a big imprint on our trip.  The complexion of the trip has changed since we learned about her.

She is a 3-4 week premie with a severe cleft palate and weighs ~5 pounds.  She is currently being fed by an eye dropper.  We are bringing special bottles that will hopefully improve the quality of her feedings.  

To reduce her infection risk, she is staying at the Powlisons house.  She is watched 24/7.  Our team is showing up at a good time to help relieve the Powlisons some.  Hopefully we can be helpful to them!