I think we're making progress on the projects we started this week! The Powlison girls' bathroom is nearly complete, and the guest room/Zoe's room is coming along nicely as well! One of the neat blessings that God is allowing us to be a part of is fixing up the Powlison's guest room. A couple of weeks ago, it was just wall studs and a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Ruth Powlison has a friend who is 70 years old, but she comes every year to spend time with the children at Josephine House. She always stays in the Powlison's guest room, and Ruth says that she won't believe her eyes the next time she sees it! It now has beautiful orange walls and an actual lighting fixture! So, there's someone that we'll likely never meet whom God will bless through the work we're doing this week!
Rick and Alan took care of Zoe during the night. She's really eating well now, so hopefully she'll start packing on the pounds as well! There is a surgeon in Cusco who will repair her cleft palate for free, but she has to be a couple of months older and a few pounds heavier before she's eligible.
The pump for the Powlisons' well lost its prime this morning. Keith was in Santo Tomas with Polly, Ken, and Jonathan, and apparently it takes a rocket scientist to re-prime the pump. Luckily, we have three on this trip.
After the well was repaired, the ladies wanted to check it out.
After jokingly being told that the alligator's name is Stevie, this is
as far as they were willing to go.
Some of our team members made homemade playdough
for the kids at Josephine House.
Little Zoe got a bath this afternoon.
She's so tiny that her bathtub is a Tuperware bowl!
There was lots and lots of painting today, and there's
more still to come tomorrow!
Jason is the Caulk Master!
We were all pretty beat after a long day's work,
but we all feel so blessed to be a part of what God is doing here!
Tomorrow, Polly, Ken, and Jonathan return from Santo Tomas, so we'll try to post an update on that trip. There's still lots of painting, sanding, installing trim, etc. to be done tomorrow, and of course, there's still kids to be played with and a Zoe to be fed, changed, and loved on! Tomorrow is our last workday, so look for pictures of the (hopefully) finished product tomorrow!