Saturday, June 19, 2010

Geography Lesson Courtesy of Google Earth

It always helps to know where you are going whenever you plan a big trip.  Just so everyone is on the same page this post will discuss a few maps from Google Earth.  They will give you a sense of where Peru is and where the team will be going once we are in Peru.

The first shot is of the Western Hemisphere.  Peru is highlighted.  It is in South America on the Pacific Coast.  Our flights will take us from Huntsville, Alabama to Houston, Texas to Lima, Peru and ending at Cusco.

Here is Peru in more detail.  You can see our arrival city of Cusco.  South of it is the remote town of Santo Tomas.  Three members of our team will travel there to meet with members of a church we are supporting.

The next map really shows the mountainous terrain surrounding Santo Tomas.  The team will pass through areas that are 15,000 feet (4500 meters) in altitude.  The road that will take the team to Santo Tomas is not visible on Google Earth!

While the team of three is in Santo Tomas the rest of us will be in the Cusco Area.  We will be visiting a missionary couple named Keith and Ruth Powlison. Their "campus" is on the outskirts of Cusco, technically in an area called San Jeronimo.

The Powlisons and their team have several areas of work, but we will be focused on an orphanage named Josephine House.  Google Earth really is a modern miracle.  This shot shows all the buildings that are in the immediate vicinity of the Powlison's house.  Josephine House is in the lower right corner.

As the posts progress you will learn more about Josephine House, Santo Tomas, the Powlisons, and our team.

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