Sunday, July 11, 2010

Domingo en Peru

Sorry for the double-post. There hasn't been much time for blogging today, so I'm playing catch-up!

The church where we worshiped this morning.  We were able to follow along somewhat with the Spanish service!

Ian, one of the missionaries in Cusco.  He is from England, and he and his wife are currently learning Quechua to go and minister to that people group elsewhere in Peru.

"I love you, Jesus" posted above the pulpit

After worship, we ate at an Andean restaurant nearby.  Ken, Alan, Rick, Polly, and Kristy all had to try the alpaca.  That's right.  We ate llama for lunch!

Polly posing with some of the wares found in the central Cusco market.

These girls were walking around posing for pictures with their baby lambs.
Of course, the ladies couldn't resist.

The farmers' market near the church.  There was an amazing amount of beautiful produce!

Judy and Wendy are on "Zoe duty" tonight.  They're staying at the Powlisons' house to cover the night feedings so that Keith and Ruth can get some rest.  For the rest of us, tomorrow will be our first official work day.  Some of us will be doing some painting, wallpapering, and trim work at the Powlisons' house, while others will be helping with the children at Casa Josefina.  Jason led us in a short time of teaching and prayer tonight, and he reminded us that God prepared in advance these good works for us.  Please be in prayer for us over the next week!  Pray that we will be faithful to the work that God has called us to here. 


  1. It looks beautiful! The people have such happy smiles! I can imagine the sun is pretty strong there up in that the pictures of the children. Will be praying that God is using your work to make things a bit easier and brighter for the Powlison's and the children..
    Continue in God's love...Judi Fikes

  2. Praying for you all!

  3. So good to hear about your trip. I look forward to the daily updates. From the pictures, it looks like you are having a great trip. Thanks for representing us in Peru! Karen Parks

  4. You might answer this sometime...what is the time difference where you are? Judi Fikes

  5. Love the picture of all the ladies with the posing-baby-lamb-girls! Praying you get good rest tonight!

  6. Beautiful market picture! And I'm catching up on the blog, but have been praying all week! It's so good to see pictures!

  7. Judi, Peru is in the Eastern Time Zone, but they don't do Daylight Savings, so we're actually on the same time as Huntsville.
