Sunday, July 18, 2010


We made it back on time.  Travel was as smooth as can be expected for this kind of trip.

In the last few days of the trip we got back too late to update the blog.  After we have had some time to rest and relax we will try to fill in the gaps of the last few days.

There are a lot of things to be thankful for this trip.

Working under the supervision of Tim, Keith and Ruth's son-in-law, we completed the guest room and bathroom projects other teams started with just some minor touch ups remaining.  This served the Powlisons immensely and a visiting missionary will soon benefit from a more comfortable room.  Zoe now has a place to call her own for a while until she is able to be transferred to the Josephine House.

Zoe learned to drink from a bottle -- no more eating from eye droppers.  The last night she drank 4 oz!  When her weight improves doctors can begin to attend to her cleft palate.  It was a great blessing to be able to help Ruth care for Zoe.  Caring for Zoe represents the core of the values of the Powlison ministry.

With the expert skills and hard work of Jonathan, video footage of both the Powlison's and the Scripture Union ministries our church supports were documented.  This will help our congregation see where we are engaged in Peru.

We learned how to employ teams at the Josephine House.  We are now smarter on how to interact and plan beneficial activities for the kids.  This will help future teams immensely.

Our church's partnership with the Santo Tomas church continued with the second Southwood team to visit the area.

Our team engaged the local population in San Jeronimo through worship on a Sunday and gardening with Francisco later in the week. 

A rookie team leader managed to get everyone back to their families and friends.

Thanks to all who watched this blog.  It was a great encouragement to know you were supporting us as we worked.  It is a miraculous age that we can almost in real time document our trip.

Thanks be to God who made it all possible and guided our steps.

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."  Proverbs 19:21


  1. I am singing the Doxology with you. I'll be interested in hearing what is going on in Santo Tomas in perhaps a future blog piece?

    Welcome home, and may the Lord refresh you all quickly.

    For Christ's sake,
    Betsy Christiansen
    MTW med. missionary

  2. Betsy,

    Thanks for following along and for the nice words!

    Neither I or Rick (the bloggers) went to Santo Tomas, so we don't have any pictures to post. Let me get with those who did go there and get back with you.

