Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Team Members

With a day to go before we leave I wanted to share with you the names of the 11 team members going on the trip.

Jonathan Barnette
Lauren Davenport
Alan Droege
Kristy Hill
Jason Lenentine
Wendy Lenentine
Rick McCann
Teri McQuinn
Judy Purinton
Polly Ricks
Ken Stuart

We had a packing/weighing meeting last night.  Everyone's luggage came in underweight with some room to spare.  Mine weighed the least.   Apparently there is a perception I packed no clothes.  I was just trying to set a good example. I will confess I didn't pack any extra shoes.

Thanks to everyone who has supported/helped/prayed for the names above.  When asked you responded in the spirit of 3 John 6 where John talks about sending out a group "in a manner worthy of God."  You have lived that out with us and we are thankful for it.

Tomorrow we leave Huntsville and will make it to Lima tomorrow night.  After spending the night there we arrive in Cusco late morning Saturday.


  1. We'll be traveling with you guys in spirit! Lori & Antoine

  2. And us with you!?!?!?

  3. Our thoughts will be with all of you while you are serving this mission.
